Friday, June 6, 2014

A day which should never be forgotten

Exactly seventy years ago today, the sun rose over the coast of northern France – heralding a day which should never be forgotten.

150,000 brave allied soldiers risked their lives during the D-Day landings. The D-Day invasion marked a turning point during World War II, cracking Hitler’s Western Front as the brave soldiers who landed on the beaches of northern France, then fought the Battle of Normandy which eventually led to the liberation of Paris by the Allied armies.

More than 8,000 brave soldiers gave their lives on the 6th June 1944 during the D-Day landings.

Today we join the veterans of D-Day to pay honour and tribute to their fallen colleagues – those brave souls who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

We also honour all of the brave 150,000 soldiers who landed on those beaches on this day 70 years ago.

Today, let us remember those brave patriots – the British, American, Canadian, Australian and other Allied Troops - who through their courage and sacrifice changed the course of history.

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